“I’ll be happy once I’m retired, once the house is paid off, once I’m married, once I’m divorced…” We all fall into this trap of thinking the grass will be greener once we get to that next milestone in our life. Especially in America, we can fall prey to the idea that happiness only comes […]

“I’m surrounded by people who all believe, do, and value the same things as me! This is my home. These are my people!” Such is the ecstasy of belonging to a tight-knit group. We all crave community: a sense of belonging to a group. But in our quest for connection, we need to be careful that […]

“You’re so needy!” It’s something that no one wants to be accused of, but the truth of the matter is that every human has needs. Tons of needs. The real issue is not that you have needs, but not being aware of them and not getting them met in healthy ways. The truth is this: […]

When I first became a dad, I was overflowing with enthusiasm (and a good amount of ignorance). I thought that my love would be more than enough to succeed as a father. Afterall, “love is all you need,” right? THE MORE PARENTING TOOLS, THE BETTERI quickly discovered that love by itself often failed to provide […]

Out of the countless self-improvement books I’ve read over the past few years, none of them can compare to the impact that Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg had on my life. It improved my parenting more than any parenting book. It improved my marriage better than any marriage book. And it improved my relationship with […]

As humans, we all have a need for some level of control. I see this everyday with my 4-year-old son. He wants to choose where he sits at the dinner table, what he eats, and even which parts of the meal he helps prepare. I also see this in myself as a parent, wanting some […]